Interactive Scores & Invisible Music for Lucid Dreamers | World Premiere: Mexico City 03/12/2021Live Closing Concert at "Variable X {Immersion & Extended Realities in Latin America}, Centre of Digital Culture".
Using technology as metaphorical detection devices of the supernatural:
How to remark the organicity and physicality of the oneiric experiences of people who has visions in real life (IRL) if we can’t try to understand and interact with the idea of the invisible,
"the other voices" and the supernatural as an extension of unconventional realities of people who channel alternative knowledge and who materialize on physical form from other dimensions and
levels of perception and from their direct effect, to point to experiences and knowledges connected to liminal ancestral traditions sometimes accompanied and channeling the visions with vocal
XR AL FRESCO is a nod to the ancestral immersive technologies channeled while experiencing liminal practices of vocal channeling and contemporary experimental rituals.
This project plays with the mystical relationship between music and the invisible materials from nature, as well as with the creation of new paradigms
for unconventional sonic writing.
The complete score counts with more than 200 interactions based on distances and nuances for full body gesture interaction,
and includes a curated database of around 1300 voices interacting as sextets or octets derivations and variations.
NOTE: All the voices in the database were previously interpreted and prearranged by the author.
Interactions Hand Demo Recorded via bluetooth - Saturday, December 19, 2020, 8:30:22 AM
XR al Fresco, a live augmented reality open composition for interactive scores
Interaction Design, Development & Idea;
3D Modeling & Rendering;
XR Composition, Sound Design, Vocal Database & Choirs by Julian Bonequi aka Holofrenia.
Co-production support: Medien.Bayern GmbH / XR HUB Munich.

Listed below -> Prototype Demo for Hand Activation -, produced in Berlin 2020 during the pandemic.
The final staging for live perfomance as it was meant to be the original concept, on its full body interaction scale was presented finally one year later on December 2021 in Mexico City.